Emerson’s 7th Birthday!

Today is Emerson’s 7th birthday, and we’ve had such a great day all day!

I took Addison to school as usual, and then went on to work myself.

And we found the trippies at school this morning too!

Then, Jeff was going to swing through the Chick-fil-A drive thru with Emmie for a box of birthday chicken minis. But they forgot the CFA on Monroe Street was closed for remodeling… So instead, they ended up at an extra special birthday place, at Canopy Road! If I had known, I would have taken some time off work myself and joined them there, because I was jealous!

But they had a nice little daddy/daughter breakfast date, and she felt very special getting some fun-fetti French toast with her Daddy for her birthday!

(She got this birthday button from GC kids last year, and I just so happen to know where it was, so she wanted to wear it today.)

And then he got her dropped off at East Hill only slightly later than normal, with her cookies to give out to friends at lunch time.

For lunch today, I went out with Aunt Suzanne and Mama at Burger Barn. It was my first time there, and it was really good. I got the Bleu cheese burger and mac & cheese, and mama got that Caesar salad and cheese fries (and she let me try a few). Just now realized I should have tried the salad too, because I love Caesar but I’m picky about the dressing.

Meggie wasn’t able to come meet us today, but we got her a cookies & cream milkshake to-go, and delivered it to her office for her. What the pregnant lady wants, the pregnant lady gets!

For Emerson’s birthday dinner, we told her she could pick whatever she wanted. And girlfriend loves Chinese food, so she chose the Panda Buffet! We invited some of the family to join us there, and had a nice little casual dinner together. And she loved it, and she loved being surprised by the special visitors.

(Papa is out of town for work this week, so we missed having him there tonight.)

Over the long weekend, she actually requested snow cones, and I told her yes, but we never made it there. So we planned to go tonight after dinner instead. But when we got to Big Easy Snowballs (her favorite), we found out the hard way that the one day a week they’re closed, is on Tuesday’s. So in order to head off a little panic attack, I told her we’d go to Publix and let her pick out anything she wanted from the bakery tonight, and we’d hit up the snowball place again tomorrow night.

We also had a quick video call from Aunt Meggie and the triplets while we were in Publix, to sing happy birthday to Emmie and chat with her on her special day.

She picked out some delicious chocolate chip brownies that we ate when we got home, while we watched Bluey. We did bedtime after that, and got both girls down easily.

I don’t know how this adorable teeny tiny newborn has now turned into a beautiful smart (and still teeny tiny) 7-year-old, but I’m forever grateful and forever proud and forever loving her sweet soul! In the car after we left dinner, apropos of nothing, she said, “Sometimes I’m so happy I can’t even say how happy I am.” 🩷🥹

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