Doctor Emerson

After getting up and getting freshly showered (and me putting on makeup for the first time in four weeks) Emmie and I went out to Grammy’s house for a little women’s ministry brunch, Bible study and mission project.

And look at this beautiful girl, in this adorable dress! Nana got this for Emmie, and she looks absolutely precious in her first maxi dress! And you can tell she really loves the dress too!








Emerson didn’t quite last through all of the Bible study portion, so her and I went back to the playroom for a little while, until it was time to do the mission project part. The church members donated purses and feminine necessities, and we packed them up all in the purses, to give to a local homeless shelter, to give out to women who need them. It was a great project, and we made almost 200 purses!


This was actually the second round of doing this – the first time, we packed 103 purses, and today was a smaller set of 72 purses. My Mama & Grandmother had set everything up in organized piles on tables, and we went around grabbing items from each table to fill up the purses.





There were two other ladies not pictured, but we had a good group, and had a good time working on this little mission project!


In addition to all the necessities packed into the purses, each purse will also get a small Bible, with the step-by-step “ABC’s of salvation” inside.


After everyone else left, Emmie and I stayed a little longer to hang out and eat a small lunch with Grammy and Grandmommie. We enjoyed just getting some one-on-one time with them, since normal family gatherings are so chaotic! 🙂



Once we got home, I got Emmie down for her nap right away, because she was exhausted after such a big morning. Jeff had stayed home to do some house chores, and he also mowed the yard, and then later took a load of stuff down to drop off at Goodwill. After nap time, we pulled all the nails out of the white upper cabinet doors.


She then played Doctor Emerson on me for a little bit, with a piece of chalk, a paper towel, and an empty paper towel roll. She was taking extra special care on the spot where I whacked myself with a machete a few months back, and so now I’m sure I’ll make a perfect recovery due to my extra special doctor attention, haha 🙂



Then we got ready and loaded up to go to Nana’s house! Jeff’s younger brothers’ wife & kids are here visiting for a few weeks from Texas, so we went over to play and have dinner with them.





Nana made chicken & rice, and Emerson ate every single bite off her plate. She did so well! And it was so good. And something about this salad today was delicious too, super good!






I got Nana this cute little yellow boots planter for Mother’s Day a few years ago, and the plant she’s got in there right now is so pretty and doing so well this summer. It looked so pretty in the evening sunlight.


Emerson may have been the only girl, but she fit right in with the boys, and had a grand ole’ time playing all night.






We stayed a little too late letting her play and have a good time, but we finally got her dried off and changed, and loaded up in the car. She told me she didn’t want to leave and she wasn’t sleepy, but her eyes were red-rimmed and she was very clearly tired.

And look how gorgeous the sunset was on the ride home!


Emmie was sweet and precious at bedtime, and things went nice and smooth. It’s almost 9:30 now, so Jeff and I will probably just watch a little bit of tv or YouTube, and then head to bed.

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