Dinner Outside

Addison went back to school today, and was very excited about that. And Emerson had a teacher planning day, so she spent the day with Grandmommie, and obviously loved that!

After vacay, Bo and I split up the leftover groceries to bring back home with each of us (since we split the cost of everything up there), so this week’s dinners are brought to you by cabin leftovers, like last night’s baked potatoes and tonight’s hot dogs. Then I am just scrounging up side dishes we already had stored up in the cabinet, like Lima beans and au gratin potatoes.

While I was “cooking” dinner, Emerson and Jeff got the backyard table and chairs cleaned up, so we could start eating dinner outside again, now that we’re in daylight savings time. It was still pretty chilly out there though, so both girls ended up wrapped up in blankets, trying to eat like that.

The rest of the night was typical, run of the mill chaos, but we did eventually get both girls to sleep. I’m currently cozied up under a blanket on the couch with Pennie, and she’s helping warm me up, because I’m freezing!

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