The girls needed donuts for breakfast this morning, and you know we gave in to their request.
Then the girls and I met up with Nana for some early morning school supply shopping at Walmart.
Meanwhile, we left Jeff at home to take care of mowing the yard. He actually asked our sweet neighbors to borrow their riding mower, to cut down the actual meadow we had growing in the front yard. He still had to mow it down twice to get it taken care of, but it was much faster and easier than the push-mower. Thank you, Mr. Buddy for letting him borrow it! We owe you a pan of homemade goodies, at the very least, but obviously much more than that 🙂
The girls ate some lunch when we got back home, and then followed it up with some more popsicles again.
Addison fought me hard at nap time, and we spent about an hour trying to get her chill out and settle down and stop throwing fits. It took literally an hour, but she did finally give in and fall asleep. Emerson on the other hand laid down and went straight to sleep like a little angel girl. Then when she woke up, she asked me, “Can I go out and help Daddy?” So she went out and did some yard work like the sweetest little helper girl!
We picked up our Walmart grocery order really quickly, and then invited ourselves out to Grammy’s house for some swim time, before the upcoming storm hits and dumps rain on us for the next week straight…
When we walked into Walmart this morning, these kick boards were right at the front for 30 cents each, so we got five of them for all five girls to leave at Grammy’s pool.
I got Emmie this mermaid tail for her birthday, and baby Addie thinks she’s a mermaid too.
Once it started thundering, we headed back inside, and I made this corn dip recipe that’s kinda going viral on TikTok right now (after some drama, iykyk!). And it was super good. It’s basically this recipe I found when I gooogled it right now. Plus I added some salt, pepper, garlic powder, & onion powder. I also saw a video where someone added a ranch seasoning packet, and that sounds like something I wanna try too.
We ordered pizza from Marco’s for dinner, and then the girls made us some ice cream cones from their food truck for dessert 😉
We stayed out a little too late, and didn’t make it back home until 9pm. But both girls were so tired they fell asleep on the way home, and then went back to sleep for bedtime really easily. Addie has actually been in quite a bad mood today, with lots of temper tantrums and crying and screaming. I know they said the recovery from adenoid surgery might be a little rough, so apparently it’s still kinda in her system. Really hoping and praying that tomorrow is a much better day and that she’s feeling better and happier!
Also, if you haven’t seen the news yet, Bo & Meg shared this today… Can’t wait to hold my baby nephew, hopefully so very soooooon!