Christmas Cookies

After more than a week travelling around, Sheppy got hungry and found his way to Emmie’s food truck, and enjoyed himself a slice of pizza.

We were all so excited to see the baby girls this morning, after we missed them yesterday. In the car on the way to school, Emmie said, “All three of my babies are gonna be there today, but I don’t have three hands.”  (She was referring to not being able to hold hands with all three of them on the walk into school.)

Although I think Emmie was only pushing her hat up out of her eyes, it does appear however that she’s like, “I just can’t handle these girls!”

After school, Nana met us in the school parking lot for a few minutes, to share some of her delicious treats her office gave her from Tasty Pastry. Of course Emerson couldn’t wait, and girlfriend started chomping down on her choice of Christmas tree cookie right away, and ate all but two bites of that giant cookie!

At home, we put a frozen pizza in the oven to bake for dinner, Jeff washed up a sink full of dishes for me, and Emmie and I just cuddled on the couch. She was playing on her Kindle, and I was reading. And I loved that tiny bit of her belly peeking out from her shirt riding up.

Jeff and I ate our pizza and Emmie had a PB&J, plus about half of my pizza, and then just played and tickled and giggled. We had a video call with Grammy and Papa and she had another snack. She chose to read a princess story from her book tonight, and then we actually had a decent bed time. There were a few minutes of whining, but it didn’t get too bad before she settled down and I was able leave her and let her go to sleep.

The kitchen is clean, and the candle is lit, so it’s time to grab one of those Christmas cookies and read a bit or watch tv, and wind down for the night.

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