Chores Galore

Most of you have already seen this photo on either Facebook or Instagram, but I’m just so obsessed with our tree this year! I absolutely love the chunky white yard, and the white knitted blanket-tree-skirt. I just love it all so much!


We had half a pack of bacon leftover from last night’s carbonara-attempt, and we had a slow day today, so I decided to make a big breakfast for us at home. However I didn’t space everything out enough, time-wise, so the pancakes got slightly burnt, and the bacon was super crispy (even crispier than we usually like it), and the eggs were just slightly overdone. All-in-all, it was still good and yummy, but it was all just a bit overdone.






She wanted to sit in the chair and read Christmas books to her Christmas bear all by herself like a big girl. She also kept asking for some chocolate coffee 🙂 I told her that last night’s drink was a special treat, and that she didn’t get to have it every day. But that didn’t stop her from asking for it about 10-15 more times throughout the day.



Then we did some more advent calendar coloring, where she was trying to get me to color everything in brown & black, so I had to keep suggesting other colors to liven things up a bit…


In between all of our playing today, we also did a LOT of chores around the house. While I folded & put away a load of her clean laundry, she played with Rosie and ate dry fruity pebbles from a baggie. haha


Throughout the day we also worked on all of the following: a few more loads of laundry, hung up a bunch of clean clothes, washed a huge sink full of dishes, vacuumed Emerson’s rug & the living room carpet, put up more Christmas decorations, cleaned off the dining room table, finally took down the ice cream cone banners from Emmie’s 2nd birthday party in July, tidied the living room, and cleaned up a giant pile of random stuff in our bedroom.


Emerson had chicken nuggets & apple sauce for lunch, and then after helping me put four new ornaments on the tree, she went down for her nap.



After she woke up, she helped Daddy with more laundry, they checked the mail, and took out the recycling. Apparently they were talking about ice cream, because she came inside asking for some. Luckily for her, we still had a few of these tiny pumpkin-ginger mini cones from Trader Joe’s, and she devoured the whole thing of course!


And she was being super sweet and cuddly after finishing her ice cream.


I was still working on cleaning up some things (I really need to open all my cyber Monday Amazon boxes that Jeff just placed under the tree), and Emmie was sweetly playing with her toys while I worked.





Oh, and we also put up a new TV in our bedroom. In our six years of marriage, we’ve never had one! But my parents/grandmother had an extra one after buying a bigger one for the living room in their new house, so we put this one up in our room today. Jeff got a Google Chromecast for free with some of his Best Buy credit card points, and now we’re all set up!


After getting her hair all fixed up, and grabbing Lluna the Llama for the road, we loaded up in the car. Jeff needed to help an older lady who’s a long-time family friend set up her new phone, so Emmie and I went with him to hang out with her.





Emmie also got to pet a kitty cat for the first time tonight, and she loved him!



And she played the piano a bit…



And she loved wearing the Santa Claus hat!


We wanted to order take-out from our favorite Chinese restaurant, Tan’s, but when we called they said it was going to take 30 minutes! It was already 7pm, and that was just not possible. So we decided to keep it simple, and since Emmie was yelling she wanted a cheeseburger, we went through the McDonald’s drive-thru.


We watched a few night-night videos laying in Mommy & Daddy’s bed, watching them on the new TV. It was so warm and cozy and Emmie loved it. And Mommy loved it too. So I let her watch one or two more than usual, because it was just so comfy! We read just one book after all the videos, and then once she gave Daddy lots of good hugs (still no kisses, we don’t want his germs), she finally went down after a few lullabies.


We have a few more chores and decor things to finish up tomorrow, but for now, it’s time to just sit down and rest! We will of course make some hot tea, or maybe hot chocolate, and then find something to watch. We actually just signed up for one month of Disney+ last night, so we’re going to watch as much as we can there in one month, and then probably cancel. We already have sooo many options through Netflix, Hulu & Amazon Prime, we don’t really need another streaming option, but one of our favorite Christmas movies (12 Dates of Christmas) is now only available on Disney+, so we just had to do it!

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