Chicken & Chockit

We had a relatively good bedtime last night, and then she slept all through the entire night! Praise the Lord! I’m more than ready for her to be back to her regular bedtime and sleep schedule, so hopefully we’re almost there.

Mom’s bestie was ready for a good day at school! As we were pulling in the parking lot, she asked, “Nana pick up Emmie today?” I told her, “No, Grammy is picking up Emmie today.” And she said, “Grammy pick up Emmie! Yay!!” She was so excited!


Her little mid-drift peeking out is so cute 🙂



And her little pink toenails in her little pink sandals are so cute!



Happy with her muffin, and just bee-bopping her way to class.


Eeek! This tiny little squish (from two years ago) with her toothless smile is too much cuteness.


For lunch today, I had to run home and let Pretzel out, so he didn’t have to stay in his crate until 8pm. I heated up a frozen meal from Trader Joe’s in the microwave, and scarfed it down super fast. I’d heard their frozen Indian food was really good, so I got a couple to try, and this was yummy! Plus, I got their frozen naan bread for the first time, which was also really good. It seemed like such a small amount of chicken & rice at first, but since I had the naan to go with it, it was very filling. I’d definitely buy this again.



I finished this audio book right as I got to work this morning. I had chosen this book at random from Libby, when I needed a quick audio book while waiting for other holds to come through. And it surprised me how cute it was! It made me laugh out loud a few times, and even though the overall arc was slightly predictable (it’s not like she could keep her robot boyfriend a secret forever), it was still cute and I enjoyed it, for a fun, light read.


Emerson’s school report said she had a great, happy day today! She loves Play-Doh, so I know she enjoyed this part of her day!


Grammy picked up Emmie from school, and I drove out to their house after work for dinner. This is actually the third time this month I’ve gone out there for dinner, and it’s just always so nice to walk in the house, and get to just sit down and eat, after someone else making the meal! What a treat!

Before I got there though, Papa and Emmie threw out some corn for the deer. She’s a very big helper.



Grandmommie made delicious chicken and rice, plus mini corn on the cob’s. And Emmie got some bread and butter, which is her favorite.



And this is her cute little self, waiting on Papa to get her some “chockit ice cream,” with butter all on her cheeks.



After she finished eating, she asked Papa if he wanted her corn, and he just said, “umm no thank you.” And she thought it was the funniest joke ever! So she kept asking him & he kept answering her, over & over & over again. She was just cracking up, dying laughing, and we were all dying laughing at her!


Before bath time, doing “this little piggy went to market…”


She loves doing bath time in Grandmommie’s giant bath tub.



And then when all the water was drained, she was using her wash cloth to clean up the tub. She kept saying, “no get out, I cleaning.”



Posing like this with her hands on her hips, all on her own!


Bye-bye hugs all around.


And a beautiful pink sunset on the drive home!


Once we got home, we watched one quick video to calm down, then did a video call with Daddy. She wanted to watch one more night-time video, so we did “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on YouTube. Then bedtime went pretty well tonight. There was only minimal whining at the end of our third lullaby, so we did the last one again on repeat. And then she was ready to lay down, and was perfectly sleepy and quiet.

I’ve been sitting at the computer blogging with this face mask on (wearing my camel night gown), and now that it’s practically rock solid, it’s time to go wash it off!


No dishes to wash tonight, and the house is nice and clean, so I get to just veg out the rest of the night! Netflix for starters, followed by a little bit of reading before bedtime for myself. Night friends!

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