Butter Brew

Jeff took both girls on the school drop-off route today, and looks like things went well for everyone, with all these silly goofy faces!

Sweet sister hugs.

I had my annual well-woman exam at NFWC at the hospital first thing this morning, so once I finished up with that and headed into work, I treated myself to not only the Butter Brew (in honor of Harry Potter’s birthday yesterday), but also a fruit & cheese danish, from the Frother’s Daughter coffee truck.

On Monday, after Addie’s surgery, we got CFA drive-thru on the way home, but they forgot my dressing. I mentioned in my blog that day I had saved the salad and was going to try to get dressing, and my work friend saw that and happened to have an extra one, so she brought it to me at work! Still delicious for my lunch today.

I love these pictures of Addie and her friends doing art at school today, because you can see how truly tiny she is, especially compared with how much taller everyone else is.

Tonight was a pizza night, while Jeff mowed the yard outside. I checked the weather app on the way home after he told me was gonna do that, and I was like, “Are you sure you should be doing yard work in this weather!?” But it’s been a while since he mowed, and our front yard legitimately looks like a meadow, so he had to at least get started on it…

And the girls had to have some bomb pops for their dessert tonight.

Pennie was very eagerly awaiting to see if anyone would perhaps give her a bite of something… And when nobody did, in the 2 minutes I was outside after making Jeff a giant ice water with the electrolyte flavor mix-in, Pennie helped herself to about 3 pieces of pizza from the kitchen counter…. Sooo clearly we can’t be leaving anything up on the counter like that, if no adults are around!

Jeff did as much as he could, before needing to just call it off for the night. So he got a shower while the girls and I watched Bluey, and Emmie fell asleep in the recliner. Addie was purposefully keeping herself awake until Jeff came back into the living room, but hopefully she’s fallen asleep now while I’ve been writing this.

While the pizza was baking earlier tonight, I washed up the last of the leftover dishes from last night. I already got the kitchen cleaned up again, and put away the few pieces of pizza Pennie didn’t eat, so Jeff can heat it up soon for his dinner.

Months ago, I signed up to bring popsicles for Addie’s class on Friday August 2, for their last day of summer water play. Well, I forgot about that until I picked her up today, so now I’m going to run out to Publix super fast to grab some, so we can bring them to school in the morning… And then, I’ll get back to working on my puzzle! I finished all the fruits last night, and I’m moving on to all the greenery now.

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