Breakfast Casserole, Triplets & Enchiladas

Early this morning, I got up with Emerson and after snuggling for a few minutes, I put together a sausage egg and cheese casserole, and washed a lot of dishes while it baked. I also got to bust out my new Pioneer Woman casserole carrier that I bought a few months back, but haven’t used it, because I haven’t been taking casseroles anywhere!

Then we packed up and drove across town to have breakfast and spend the morning playing with Aunt Meggie, Grammy, Grandmommy, and the triplets!

Goofy little Riley ran around for a few minutes with this piece of pine straw hanging out of her mouth, for no apparent reason!

And one time when Ellie got hurt and was loving grandmother, Riley and Kinsley both came over to check on her and pat her back to make her feel better. It was extremely sweet!

They couldn’t stand having to wait their turn, so we had to get two airplane stations going!

The sweetest loves.

After some slightly rough play on the foam building blocks, we all needed a minute to just sit and chill, so we put on Blippi and everyone calmed right down.

We stayed for lunch as well, then helped get all the girls diapers changed and laid down in bed for nap, And then Emerson and I headed home to get her down for a nap as well.

She was a little bit difficult to get down for nap time, but once she finally gave in, she slept for two and a half hours! And then we finally went in to wake her up ourselves at 4:00 p.m., after I had slept for about two hours myself. Once we got ready again, we headed over to Nana and Pop pop’s house to have Pop pop’s family birthday dinner.

One of Nita’s clients from work, has fallen in love with Emerson’s story and journey over the last few months, and was so sweet to send her this little bear shirt from where she lives in White Mountain, Virginia.

Jeff took Emmie to play on the swing, while I helped Nana finish up getting everything ready for dinner.

And Nana had made a Mexican food feast! We had beef tacos and chicken enchiladas, with rice and beans, and chips and salsa, and all the fixins. And everything was super delicious. And of course since she made enough to feed an army, she sent at least half of it home with us which will be enough for about two more meals for us too.

She also made a very yummy pineapple and coconut birthday cake, when she was nice enough to send home a little chunk of as well, so I’m looking forward to more of that as well.

Emerson had a bath at Nana’s and put on her jammies and got ready for bed, then after a little more play time and some HGTV (that really makes me miss having cable!), We loaded up and drove back home. Emerson gave pretzels some sweet loves and kisses before bedtime, then we read the Pocahontas story in her princess book.

I’m going to find something to watch on Netflix while I paint my nails, and just going to throw a load of laundry in the washer. I’m not super tired tonight since I had a nice nap today, but I’m sure once I finally get still and settled down, I’ll fall asleep easily!

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