Apple Crisp

Today was “mis-matched” day for Emmie, with the tagline, “Don’t get mixed up with drugs.” So she found all the colors and patterns she could, and really mis-matched herself up! Addie’s school was doing “wear orange” day, and luckily I found this outfit I forgot we had, that was perfect.

Some work folks went out and about at lunch today and volunteered to pick-up Starbucks, so I quickly put in a mobile order, using more of that gift card my employees gave me a few weeks ago. Today I tried an iced caramel apple crisp oatmilk macchiato (venti of course, with the gift card!), and it was absolutely delicious!

Loved seeing these cute pictures of Addie and her two little besties at school today. Coincidentally, she had actually just told us this morning while getting her dressed, “Claire & Maddie are my best friends. We always play dinos together!” (Names changed for their privacy.) So that was timed perfectly to see these pictures of them all together today.

We rushed around after work getting Emerson to church early for kids choir rehearsal. Then since I had the night off from worship team, the three of us got some dinner at Taco Bell, per Addison’s request. We headed back to church after that, for the midweek prayer service.

Had to get some Hayden loves and smiles at the end of the night, before heading home.

It was late when we got home, and both girls were so tired, and we had a little bit of a rough night. We were all fine, and we got the girls to sleep, and Jeff went to bed early too because he didn’t get enough sleep last night, working late on one of his side computer client jobs. I started up a new Netflix documentary tonight, “Jailbreak: Love on the Run,” so I’ll watch this until I fall asleep, and then drag myself to bed later…

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