We had our typically easy drop-of this morning, and were excited for a good Friday ahead! Look at Addison’s silly little faces!
Emerson’s face has definitely improved a lot after just a couple of days on the antibiotics. Always glad to see medicines at work…
Emmie’s class got to have some hot chocolate taste testing today, and she showed off a penguin for “P” week.
Then around 3pm, I got a call from the director at the girls’ school, saying Addison’s eyes were super icky and just “pouring goop,” and that they had been like that all day, and we needed to pick her up. I couldn’t leave work, but Jeff was able to go pick her up, and he took her straight to the pediatrician’s office. It was crazy there today, so he was there for a long while, but he said Addie slept through quite a bit of it, but was still sweet and content for the rest of it. Turns out, she now has an ear infection in the other ear, after just finishing her round of antibiotics from her last infection, just a few days ago…
So they called in another, stronger dose of oral antibiotics, plus some prescription eye drops. Jeff and Addie went on home after the doctor’s office, and after a super crazy afternoon of work for me, I picked up Emerson, and we went to the pharmacy to sit and wait while they filled the prescriptions. This was the sky as we waited…
We had some drive-thru burgers for dinner, took turns eating in the living room and holding a sad, pitiful baby, and cuddling with Emmie. After a while, I reminded Emerson she forgot to look for Sheppy this morning, so she went on her own little search around the house to find him.
Then she picked a few books and sat in the chair, and sat there quietly reading and giggling to herself so sweetly. I was sitting in the chair rocking Addie, but I had Jeff kinda sneak over to take her photo, and it just warmed my heart watching her sit there with her books by the Christmas tree.
Emmie got some special “daddy-cuddle time” in our bed watching a Christmas movie, while I stayed put getting all the cuddles from my sick baby girl. She was just a little restless and pitiful, and had a hard time staying settled. But we gave her some Motrin, and her eye drops and antibiotics, and after a bit she seemed more at ease. We got both girls in bed with loves and cuddles and prayers, and now I believe we’ll find ourselves a Christmas movie to watch… at least until I fall asleep on the couch… 🙂
Over the last 3-ish weeks, we’ve had a few colds, three stomach bugs, two ear infections, one infected face injury, and a partridge in a pear tree. (Not to mention all the absolute craziness from the entire year, for those that might remember some of that…) Now that both girls are on two antibiotics each for the next 10 days, hopefully we can get everyone back to normal after all that, and be happy and healthy by Christmas!
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