Happy little cutie pie, in her cute cherry dress at school drop-off this morning.
And this last, slightly sad/mad face is because I told her the other car that pulled up wasn’t her little best friend twin boys. She thought it was them because it was a similar white SUV that parked in the same spot we saw them park last Friday. She’s so smart to connect all that together, and so sweet because she loves them so much!
Started on a new audio book this morning. This one takes place in Korea during WWII, and is very intense and the exact opposite of all those fluffy little chick-lit ones I listened to a couple of weeks ago, but very interesting.
IÂ loved eating my Thai leftovers for lunch today, I just wished that I had more of it! Honestly it’s not the photogenic, but it tasted amazing.
Emerson had a good day at school, and told me when I picked her up that she made a ladybug using her footprints! Can’t wait to see that! Also, she peed in the potty seven (7!) times, and even pooped in the potty right before I picked her up this afternoon!
My new Seminole mask from Aunt Jane!
Tonight’s use of the fresh-picked organic blueberries, was homemade blueberry pancakes! (Once again, I made them from scratch, instead of a boxed mix.) I made them in small batches in my giant cast iron, but then I got tired of it at the end and just made on giant one that was the size of a plate 🙂 Oh, and I made a half a pot of decaf coffee, which felt like such a treat.
We hung out and played around a little bit outside, and then Emerson got a bath and then we got her ready for bedtime. But of course she needed some cereal and milk for a snack while we read a book, followed by two kinds of chapstick.
I had to get a lot of syrup off a lot of plates and things, but I got all the dishes cleaned up and the leftovers put away, while listening to my audio book, and then watched an episode and a half of “New Girl” while writing this post. Now it’s time to rest a little and watch some tv before bedtime.
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