August 2024

Emerson’s Baptism!

Y’all, my heart is so full today, bursting with pride and love and gratitude. Because Emerson got baptized this morning! To make it even more special, my brother-in-law, her Uncle Bo, is the children’s pastor at our church, so he got the privilege of baptizing her! And I was on the worship team today, so I had a very up-close view of the whole thing.

Emerson’s Baptism! Read More »

Emerson’s First Day of 2nd Grade!

After a very big, and very busy summer (her first time going away to camp, her first night away from family, passing the swim test at summer camp, & so much more), we finally made it to 2nd grade! She was up and at ’em bright and early, got herself dressed, told me how she wanted her hair, and when I told her I liked her shoes, she was like, “And get this – the socks match!”

Emerson’s First Day of 2nd Grade! Read More »

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