We’ve been keeping a little secret for a couple months now, and as you’ve obviously guessed from the title alone, I’m PREGNANT! I’ll officially be 12 weeks, in the second trimester, tomorrow, and I’ve been dying to share the news, pretty much since like five days after we found out.
We had been officially “trying” and I just had that “feeling” (plus I was crazy emotional for a few days), so I took at at-home test super early on Wednesday morning, on September 23. And even though I felt like I already knew it would be positive, it was still so super exciting to see that line there!

I went for my first pre-natal appointment a few weeks later, on October 6, and it was determined I was roughly seven weeks pregnant at that point, making my due date late-May. Also, solo, covid-era pre-natal appointments without your hubby is sad and depressing. I got to FaceTime him during the first ultrasound, but it’s obviously just not the same.

So far, I’ve had a really good pregnancy. As with Emerson, I haven’t had any morning sickness, and feel great. However, I’ve been so. extremely. tired. Y’all mamas know how draining the first trimester is, but add a crazy busy early-rising toddler into the mix, and this mama can barely make it to 9pm most nights lately! There was one weekend a month or so ago, where I napped like three times in one Saturday (which was hard to work around not saying that on the blog), and I’m just generally tired most of the time. Like, that weekend we went camping and Jeff took Emmie to the beach at sunrise, because I just could not get out of bed yet… Other than that though, I’ve been feeling good!
I’ve already had my second pre-natal appointment last week, which also went well. I actually had really early labwork done a few weeks ago (that’s when I sat in my car and ate the Lindy’s chicken sandwich afterwards), along with the glucose test, and sadly, I “failed” that. Typical levels are up to 140mg, and I scored a 139mg, but apparently my doctor’s office (NFWC) considers 139 “failing.” So that means I have to go back for the lonner 3-hour glucose test, tomorrow morning.

Yesterday, we finally told Emerson she’s gonna be a bit sister, and she is thrilled, to say the least. We got her a cute little boom about it, and she asked cute questions. She has already decided that the baby is a girl (although we don’t know that yet, but honestly I really want another girl), and she talks about “her baby” and changing the diapers and “her” being in Mommy’s tummy. It’s really precious so far.
After we told her yesterday afternoon, we got showered and dressed nice (and somewhat coordinating), and took some family photos to use as our public announcement!

It’s still pretty early days overall in the pregnancy, but we’re praying for God to protect this baby and to keep me healthy, and bring us to a full-term delivery next May. Please pray with us! Also, since Emerson was born with the hole in her heart, I was automatically deemed a “high-risk pregnancy” because of that, and referred to the high-risk doctor. My first appointment with him is next week, and it’s actually the same high-risk doctor my sister saw when she was pregnant with the triplets. So please pray for that aspect of things as well.

We’re obviously very excited and can’t wait to meet this new little one! Trying to soak up all the memories we can while Emmie is the only baby in the house, before we welcome our newest member! 💜