Celebrating My 30th Birthday

Today is my 30th birthday! And it just doesn’t quite feel “right.” I mean, what?? How am I THIRTY?! I’m sure the math is off somewhere… But nope, 1988 through 2018 definitely = 30 years. So yep, it’s official. I’m in my thirties now. And it just feels weird.

Does being thirty make me a “real adult?” Do any of you fellow thirty-somethings still feel like older adults are the “real adults” and we’re still somewhere in between? When I was 15 years old, 30 sounded very grown up and mature. And even at 20 & 25, I think I was expecting to feel a little different as a 30-year-old than I actually do. I know I’m rambling, and this probably doesn’t make sense, but hey, it’s my party & I’ll cry, no wait ramble if I want to! 

We kicked of celebrating my 30th birthday a little early, starting with lunch at Masa last Friday with friends from work. Their “express lunch platter” for $10 is super yummy, and a great deal!

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