Tomato Toast & A Wedding

Short little post today… but of course I started out with another round of tomato toast with roasted garlic and mayo, and today I remembered the chives I also got to go on top. Yummmm.

We pretty much just lazed around the entire morning, with the occasional quick chore here and there. Emerson also took a long bath before it was even lunch time, then she accidentally fell asleep on the couch, while I was rocking Addison to sleep for her nap.

Jeff warmed up last night’s leftover pizza for himself for lunch, and wouldn’t you know it, but I made myself a third round of tomato toast with more homemade roasted garlic mayo. Can’t get enough of this stuff, obviously.

Addie slept less than an hour in her crib before she woke up crying, so I scooped her up and held her while she slept for another two hours. I may have fallen asleep for a while during that myself. Then we took showers and got cleaned up and dressed (relatively) fancy. Nana came over to take care of the girls, and we headed out to a wedding! Our pastors’ middle daughter got married at a beautiful church/farm this evening, and we loved getting to be a part of the event with all our church friends.

I didn’t really take many pictures at the wedding, or all day really, but I wanted one with the beautiful flower girls, with our matching heart-shaped glasses (and Lexie stylishly photo-bombing off to the side).

We loved our little parents’ night out tonight and had fun hanging out and chatting with church friends for the evening. Addie was asleep long before we got home (great job, Nana!), but Emmie was wide awake on the couch waiting for us when we got home at like 9:30pm. So we did prayers and lullabies, and then she was more than ready for sleep.

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