Back Together Again

After a night of very little sleep last night, because Addie Pie didn’t want to be put down, I’m overly exhausted now, by 9pm tonight, and I don’t feel like writing much… So here goes the short & sweet style post.

Emerson was excited to head back to school today, especially since today was field day, and she got to wear a cute little kindergarten class t-shirt. Addison was a little grump and Emmie was trying to cheer her up, but she wasn’t quite feeling it.

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Grape Jelly

Well today was unexpected… First of all, I forgot to turn my alarms on for this morning, so we all woke up very late. Yesterday, I was off work, which was planned because Emerson’s school was closed. But then today I was off work again, which was unplanned, because Addison woke up with a fever. And Emerson was just having a very sensitive and emotional morning, and had a tummy ache, and didn’t want to go to school. We gave her some pepto to help calm her tummy, and then sent her off to school, just slightly late. I called the pediatrician’s office to make an appointment for Addie, then scrambled us some eggs. She literally only ate this one bite as I took a photo, and then she wouldn’t eat anymore than that.

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