Zalads & Handstands

I was actually at church first thing this morning for praise team rehearsal. But since Jeff couldn’t fit all 4 kids in the car at once with the boys here, I had to run home to pick up the girls before church. So when we got there, the trips were just getting there too, and they were more than happy to all line up for pictures together! We just couldn’t get Addie Pie to actually smile…

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Safari Girls & Surprise Plants

Emerson picked out her own dress today – a new one that’s been in her closet now, that she finally fits in 🙂 And I picked Addison’s outfit from a basket of unfolded clean clothes 😉 And coincidentally, they both ended up in outfits with safari animals! Zebras, lions, elephants, & giraffes, oh my!

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Red, White & Blue, Take Two

Growing Room is celebrating “Party in the USA Week” the entire week, so it was patriotic colors day for everyone today at daycare. And when I mentioned that last night, and said Addie could just re-wear her Tuesday outfit, Emerson asked if she could re-wear hes too, so obviously I said yes. Super easy outfit-planning today! And super cute red, white & blue girlies!

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Blackstone Chicken

Well, I woke up feeling pretty terrible this morning, so I had a rough morning, and just kinda checked out, while Jeff took care of the girls. (So thankful we had the day off work today, so thanks to Gov. Ron for that!) They had breakfast, then played, then eventually had lunch, and went down for a nap, and he mowed the front yard. I was finally feeling better once nap time ended, so we got dressed and headed over to Grammy’s house!

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