Sporty Spice

Every Saturday, I lay out Emerson’s outfits for the upcoming week, starting with her Sunday dress, followed by five days of school clothes. It just so happened to work out that her new pink sneakers matched the outfit for today perfectly. She’s so adorable! She looks so athletic in her little tennis shoes. I said that this morning at home, and Jeff said she was Sporty Spice! I knew immediately that that would be today’s post title!


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Stomach Bug, Part II

So Emerson had a big of a stomach bug last Thursday night. And now it appears Part II had hit, and Jeff and I both caught it. Mine hit last night around 11pm (I was up & down about twice every hour all night long), and Jeff’s hit this morning around 9am. At first, he thought he would get up and go to church with Emerson, but that didn’t work out. He let me sleep for a few hours this morning while he took care of Emerson, and then we switched. And then Nana came over and saved us. She brought crackers and a magazine for us, and a happy meal for Emmie’s lunch. Then she took Emerson back to her house, so Jeff and I could deal with ourselves and not worry about Emmie. Here are a few photos of the day.

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Sweet Library Helper

Jeff and the boys got up and hit the road early this morning. Emerson gave everyone hugs and kisses, but we kept it really casual so she wouldn’t get worked up or upset. Then her and I also hit the road to go have breakfast with the family. Uncle Keith and Aunt Suzanne were out of town, as we’re Bo & Megan, but Grandmother cooked a huge delicious meal for us, as well as Grammy and Papa.

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