Luxurious Scent
Man these kids are so stinking cute! And obviously very happy for a Friday.
Both of my blue-eyed girlies were wearing blue t-shirts to school today, and looking so cute!
Opening Ceremonies Read More »
My girls were looking especially cute this morning, in puppy pants and a baby Yoda dress, with big, bright, beautiful smiles!
We had a great morning at church today! My parents cooked a big meal for a teacher’s appreciation breakfast in GC Kids, so we came early to see them in the kitchen and sneak some breakfast casserole.
The girls wanted pancakes for breakfast, and I didn’t feel like cooking, so we went out to Whataburger, where Jeff used enough points and got the pancakes for free.
Even though it was very cold again today, we were very glad it was finally Friday!
Pork Chops & Potatoes Read More »
While getting ready for school this morning, Addie had herself a little fit about wearing her sparkle boots. But Emmie gave her a little kiss on the head, helped her sit on the stack of books, and then she was happy again!
Wednesday’s are always chaotic, busy, long days, which somehow leads to fewer photos on those days. So today’s post will be super brief. The girls wore matching penguin shirts for the cold weather today, even though technically I guess they’re supposed to be Christmas shirts, we’re just pretending their “winter” shirts instead.