Surprise Sombrero
With a high of 75 degrees today, we let the little girls bare their tiny legs! 🤣
With a high of 75 degrees today, we let the little girls bare their tiny legs! 🤣
My cute little Addie Pie had a little bit of chocolate from her granola bar on her mouth, and still as cute as always.
Jeff took both girls to school this morning, and let me sleep in, since I took the day off work for my thirtieth-something birthday today! 😉
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Daddy got Addison dressed in a t-shirt today that was slightly too big for her, and yet obviously she was still adorable. And she was still rockin’ those same rain boots again.
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Well, after 3.5 snow days last week, we were all finally back in the saddle, and back to the normal routine. And quite thankful for that actually! Although crazy enough, there’s STILL ice and snow on the ground in some areas around town, like on the sidewalk at daycare. Addison insisted on wearing the rain boots we found cleaning out closets this past weekend, even though they were about a size too big.
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We’ve been working hard today! A few weeks ago, we got a new-to-us used trundle bed and a dresser from a friend of Nana’s. We finally really got moving on things this past week during the snow days, and we kicked it into high gear today. Starting with, moving Emerson’s old toddler bed into Addison’s room, and now she’s got her own big girl bed, that she’s very excited about. When she saw us working on it, she said, “Thank you, THANK you, THANK YOU!!”
Still obsessed with my homemade orange marmalade, and eating it as often as I can. So obviously I had it for breakfast this morning. Jeff actually went back to work today, but the girls were still out of school, so I worked from home while taking care of them.
We had a second work from home / snow day today, but today wasn’t quite as fun and exciting as yesterday. It was still super cold, but we didn’t have a beautiful layer of white ice & snow to play in anymore. We did however have delicious homemade orange marmalade on hot buttery biscuits for breakfast.
After it finally started really snowing last night, well, there was at least some freezing water falling from the sky, we woke up today to a legitimate winter wonderland! Of course we got bundled up first thing this morning so that we could go out exploring and play in it!
Literally everything they’re wore this morning was matching! Black pants with silver sparkles, new t-shirts, same boots, and giant puffer jackets that Nana got on clearance at the end of the season last year, that they just wore for the first time today. And they’ll certainly get some good use out of those jackets this week!